Halloween classroom activities make counting down the days until our favorite spooky holiday so much more exciting and fun! If you're a teacher looking for fun Halloween activities to do with your students, keep on reading! You don't want to miss out on these super cute Halloween activity ideas!
Halloween Bingo

Halloween bingo is the perfect way to keep your students in their seats & focused! With prizes like Halloween themed pens or pencils, Halloween themed folders, or even a small candy bar, your kids will be in it for the win! Here are a few Halloween Bingo sheets I was able to find online:
Halloween Classroom Activities Pinterest Board
Halloween Crossword Puzzle
Want to keep your students sharp and thinking hard? Give them a fun Halloween crossword puzzle! The first student to finish theirs gets a folder full of fun Halloween coloring sheets, which are a great activity of their own! Check out more Halloween Classroom Activities with the link below:
Classroom Halloween Activity Ideas
Halloween Word Search
Halloween word searches are always so much fun. Nothing ignites the competitive spirit in children like a good word search. Whoever finishes first gets to pick the theme of your classroom Halloween party! With great power comes great responsibility, young one!
Here are some Halloween word search Ideas!
Halloween Pin the Tail on the Donkey
Halloween themed pin the tail on the donkey would be a great DIY project for your classroom Halloween party! You don't need anything fancy for this, just grab a bandana, print off a picture of Frankenstein on tabloid paper, pin it to the wall, and let them pin the missing finger to his hand! Easy peasy & in the spirit of Halloween!
Halloween Coloring Sheet
Halloween coloring sheets are always such a fun way to celebrate Halloween in the classroom. Every kid's favorite class period is the period in which they are able to get their creative juices flowing. Whether it's a color by numbers or just an opportunity to try to stay inside the lines, I promise your students will love this super relaxing Halloween classroom activity!
Halloween Movie Day
There are so many amazing Halloween movies for kids. I even still watch some of the classics, like Monster House, Goosbumps, and (don't at me for this one, but) Scary Godmother! If you're looking for a more kid friendly alternative, any fantasy or Disney movie could work as well! Quest for Camelot, Thumbelina, Moana, you name it! They'll love a movie day the celebrate their favorite upcoming, candy-filled day off from school!
Halloween Piñata
What is Halloween about if not candy? And what activity is better for candy than hitting a piñata? Head on over to party city and grab a cute Frankenstein, Ghost, or Vampire piñata to fill up with your students' favorite candies. This is the absolute perfect addition to a Halloween classroom party before you let out for the Halloweekend! It'll be a party they'll never forget.
Bonus Halloween Classroom Idea for Teachers: Halloween Classroom Management Headbands!
Need some additional help keeping your adorable student focused during this super exciting season? Well, fortunately, I've got the perfect solution! If you need help with holiday classroom management, grab either of our Halloween teacher headbands above! Our "Hocus Pocus Everybody Focus" crown is perfect for the Disney lover and our "Trick or teach" crown is perfect for a Halloween aficionado!
Grab yours while they're still available and prepare yourself for how much your students will LOVE them! If you end up grabbing one for yourself or a teacher friend, be sure to post a pic and tag us on Instagram! We love sharing photos of our favorite festive customers!
While you're here, be sure to check out our blogs on Halloween Classroom Decoration Ideas as well!